John 14:1-4
I Thessalonians 4:11-18
I Thessalonians 5:6-10
Christ is coming for His people. This has been a contentious issue since the start of the Church. In the early church they were living in the daily expectation of the return of Christ. This was the power and motivation behind the early church for the first three hundred years. This is a very practical doctrine of Scripture and not something to go overboard on. If you have a biblical view you will be practical rather than foolish. “Prophecy nuts” have not had a good result anywhere in the history of the church, but the practical application of prophecy always is beneficial!
It is important to realise that you cannot go to one place only in the New Testament to get a full explanation of the Second Coming. You should go through the New Testament in a chronological sense. For instance if the theme is mentioned in James you look at James
First, then Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians and so on, in the order they were written, so that you see the revelation of truth as the earliest believers received it.
In John 14:1-4 we have the introduction of the Lord coming again. It is still future. The purpose of the knowledge of the Second Coming is that you might have peace of mind. It is that history has a purpose and that He is coming again. History is not going to end with a maybe or might but it will end with a definite coming of the Lord. The Lord's ascension was not a cause for sorrow but he went so that he can return in fulfillment of John 14.
The expectation that He would return was so strong in the earliest church that they all expected to be present at the return of the Lord. Because there was such an expectation there was great consternation in some of the churches when some of the believers started to die.
The church at Thessalonica was a young and enthusiastic church but without a lot of understanding of God's Word, for they were young in faith. This is why Bible teaching is so important in the young church. Whilst some had died, others had been martyred and yet others had given up their jobs waiting for the return of the Lord. In 1 and 2 Thessalonians Paul gives them an answer. In chapter 4 verses 11 and 12 Paul tells them that as a part of their witness they should work honestly minding their own business. The Second Coming of Christ should not create people who have a bad witness. You should not stand in a white sheet waving a palm branch around as many people have over the centuries.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Paul says that he would not have them ignorant about this event. In verse 18 this news should bring comfort which ties in with John 14 where the Lord said that believers should not worry. As long as we have got it right we will receive comfort and not get upset. Conversely if you have not got comfort from the Second Coming you have got it wrong.
In God's plan you should act in conformity with 1 Thessalonians 5 rather than the so called Ten Commandments. We are going beyond the Mosaic Law to something greater because we are looking forward to something greater than Moses was. Moses was looking forward to the Cross; we are looking forward to the Second Coming. Moses had the concept that the Messiah would come. We have the knowledge that He has come and that He is coming again. If you understand that His coming is imminent then you will be keeping the commandments in chapter 5.
There is quite a lot of argument about this subject. Those who violently argue about this often do not measure up in their own lives to either 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 or chapter 5. If you come across people like this you should tell them that when they get their life in order you will sit down and discuss theology with them.
There are many different ideas on the Second Coming. There are the pre-millennial, pre tribulation, post tribulation, mid tribulation and A-millennial. The one that does not require the spiritualizing of Scripture is the pre tribulation, pre millennial viewpoint, which is the most anciently held view of the church.
This was the view which was held by the Early Church and conforms best we believe with the Word of God. It can therefore be classified as the conservative/orthodox position. The doctrine of the Second Coming should have an impact on our life. If it does not we have misunderstood it.
In the first two hundred years nearly all the Christians believed in a literal coming again, Rapture, Millennium, and it was not until Origen, Clement, and Augustine of Hippo, in the later centuries that you get the figurative interpretation. It is to these men that the many ‘reformed group’ of theologians trace their origins to. However there is better evidence for the orthodox view than that proposed by the Reformed groups.
The Second Coming of Christ is said to be mentioned 318 times in 260 chapters of the Bible and occupies one in twenty five verses. Therefore if you think that the Second Coming is not important one in twenty five verses in the New Testament says that you are wrong.
It is not an optional extra although the entire liberal churches side step it and many evangelicals do not hold a stated position because it is controversial. As one in twenty five verses in the New Testament deals with this subject you should have at least two messages a year on this subject.
This one doctrine is made up of two specific events; the first part is when He comes for his church, the second when He comes back with His people. This first event is quite often referred to as the Rapture whilst the second is known as the Second Advent.
At the Second Advent we know exactly where He is going to come to, as the Mount of Olives will split in two when He arrives. We can go to Israel and stand on the Mount of Olives and say to the Lord that I know this is where you will arrive on your return. Zechariah 14:4-5
There is a time gap of some duration between them and this is where the tribulation occurs. This is a cause of disagreement between the dispensationalists and the reformed theologians. It is essential with this subject that you teach something, thus it is important that you come to grips with it.
With unfulfilled prophecy you have to be guided by the Holy Spirit and what the Word of God says. Scripture must be compared with Scripture and find out what does fit together. There are a lot of good systems which are internally consistent but do not comply with the Word of God. The correct view will always get you out in evangelism, clam your doubts, and stimulate you to lead a holy life and do the Lord's will.
In Matthew 24 the disciples were totally unprepared for the statement recorded in John 14. In the former passage they had been prepared for the return of the Messiah to set up the kingdom, not that He was going away as stated in John 14. In the latter passage He is to prepare a place for them and return to take them to that place which was clearly heaven. There are therefore two separate events. The disciples, like most since, were confused by this.
The progressive revelation of this doctrine is important. There is a contrast between the Lord coming for His saints and coming with His saints.
Christ comes for his saints to take them from the earth to heaven
Living saints are translated
The saints go to heaven
The world is unchanged and continues in sin
It is a deliverance from the day of wrath
It is imminent and could occur at any time
It is a truth revealed only in the New Testament
This relates to only those who are saved.
Satan is not bound and is very active on the earth
Saints leave the earth in their resurrection bodies
The Rapture relates to the Church
A time of comfort Christ returns to earth to set up His kingdom. No saints are translated
The saints remain on the earth.
The world is judged and righteousness is established.
Deliverance for those believers who have survived the day of wrath.
Preceded by many events. This is a prominent doctrine in both Testaments
Relates to both saved and unsaved.
Satan is bound for the Millennium.
Saints remain to repopulate the earth.
The Second Advent and Millennium relates to covenants with Israel - Davidic and Palestinian A time of terror for unbelievers
This is the pre tribulation view which contrasts with the post Tribulation view which has both items occurring at the same time. We believe the pre tribulation concept is correct as it is based on the literal acceptance of the prophecy contained in the Scriptures while the Post Tribulation concept relies on symbolic interpretation of the prophecies.
The Lord could come for us at any time, with nothing in Scripture requiring fulfillment before the Lord can come for His church. The last statement or prayer in the Bible says "Even so come Lord Jesus". They lived every day expecting the Lord to come and therefore the prayer was legitimate. There are also many verses in the Old Testament which deal with the Second Advent of Christ, thus those in the Tribulation will have a timetable for the Second Coming of the Lord. It will be an encouragement for them.
There will be more saved in the Tribulation period, not only due to the 144,000 witnesses, and the angels but also those to whom we have witnessed and leave messages for.
1. The Rapture of the Church is the termination of the Church Age and is the taking of all genuine believers since Pentecost to Heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. General Scripture (John 1 4:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
3. The Rapture and the 2nd Advent should not be confused, they are 7 years apart being separated by the Tribulation and have different characteristics.
4. Rapture
a) Not revealed in Old Testament.
b) Promises to the Church fulfilled.
c) Judgment seat of Christ rewards (1 Corinthians 3:12-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, 2 Timothy 2:11)
d) Christ the Bridegroom and Head
e) Believers body changed (not creation) (1 Corinthians 15:51-58, Philippians 3:21)
f) Church goes to heaven. (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
g) Imminent - no signs to be fulfilled before the Church can be removed.
h) Time of comfort for believer. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
i) Christ will meet the Church in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
j) Private (only believers will see)
k) Before tribulation
l) Believers go out of the world. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
m) Removal of the Holy Spirit. (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
5. Second Advent
a) Spoken of by all major Old Testament prophets. (Zechariah 14:4)
b) Promises to Israel fulfilled.
c) Great White Throne Judgment (after Millennium) - unbelievers. (Matthew 25:31, Revelation 20:12-15).
d) Christ the Messiah to Israel (Daniel 9:25)
e) Radical changes in nature. (Romans 8:19-22)
f) Church comes back to earth (1 Thessalonians 3:13) 4:17)
g) Many details of prophecy yet to be fulfilled. (Revelation Chapters 6-19)
h) Time of terror for unbeliever. (Revelation 6:15-17)
i) Christ will come back to earth (Zechariah 14:4)
j) Public - every eye shall see him (Revelation 1- 7)
k) After tribulation.
l) Unbelievers taken off the earth (Matthew 24:37-42)
m) Removal of Satan (Revelation 20:1-3)
6. The Rapture is before the Tribulation. Thus the Pre Tribulation Rapture position is shown by nine factors.
a) The worried Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians 2:1-6)
b) The Restrainer removed (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12)
c) The lack of the word 'Church' in (Revelation 13:9)
d) The verb Tereo in (Revelation 3:10)
e) Grace before judgment (John 14:3)
f) Resurrections in their order. (1 Corinthians 15:22-26)
g) The Covenant approach. The Abrahamic, Davidic and Palestinian covenant fulfilled at 2nd Advent.
h) The Church is in heaven before the Seal Judgments (Revelation 4, 5)
i) The contrast between the 2nd Advent and the Rapture
(Why the Church will not go through the Tribulation)
1. On the basis of the distinction between Israel and the Church:
a) God never deals with Israel and the Church at the same time.
b) Because of the promises to Israel, yet unfulfilled, Israel must have a future. Evangelistic and missionary responsibility of Israel will be completed in the Tribulation.
c) The nation of Israel has not been completed.
d) "Daniel's 70 weeks" not completed. (Jeremiah 25:11, 12, 29:10, Daniel 9:2, 24, 25)
2. Statement and Structure of Revelation:
a) The statement (Revelation 3:10) "Tereo ek" (to keep out), not "Aireo" (to take out) used in context.
b) The structure: Church Age/Tribulation/Millennium/Eternity. (Revelation 2-3, 7-19, 20, 21:1-8)
3. The Statement of Thessalonians:
a) Removal of the restraining presence of the Holy Spirit is impossible without removing the Church at the same time. 2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7.
b) In 2 Thessalonians 2:2 the incorrect translation in the A.V. confuses the entire passage. "Day of Christ" should read "Day of the Lord" (False teachers came with a forged letter supposedly from Paul which implied that the Day of the Lord, or the Tribulation, had already come).
c) In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 the phrase "in Christ" refers to believers in the Church Age. Verse 18 emphasises a comfort which could not exist if the Church went through the Tribulation.
4. Remnant of the Tribulation:
a) Christ returns to the earth with His saints (1 Thessalonians 3-13, Jude 1 4).
b) Jesus at the same time delivers saints at the Second Advent. (Zechariah 14:1-5)
c) Christ cannot come with saints and deliver saints unless there are two groups of saints - Church and Tribulation Saints.
Obviously, both groups exist and both groups of saints are separated.
5. Grace before Judgment: God gives grace before judging.
a) Warning - Noah was rescued by heeding God's warning.
b) Rescue - Lot was rescued by God.
6. Imminence of the Rapture:
a) No prophecy of Scripture has to be fulfilled before the Rapture can take place. (1 Corinthians 1:7, Colossians 3:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:1, Titus 2:13)
b) Hence, the Rapture can take place at any time.
c) Not so the Second Advent: much prophecy must be fulfilled before Second Advent.
7. Nature of the Tribulation:
a) Purpose of the Tribulation: to bring judgment on a Christ-rejecting world. God demonstrates that man cannot provide a perfect environment when Satan has full control and restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit is removed.
b) God completes His dealings with Israel, which allows the Jews to fulfil their missionary ministry begun after the Babylonian Captivity.
c) God prepares Israel for the fulfilment of the Unconditional Covenants by the return of Christ during Israel's darkest hour and the low point of human history Tribulation).
8. Activity of the Church in Heaven (Revelation 4, 5)
a) Before the Church returns to the earth with Christ, they must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ for evaluation of production in the Christian walk - rewards. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15)
b) Hence, some interval is necessary (7 years) before the Bride of the Lamb can be prepared.
c) The marriage of the Lamb takes place in heaven. (Revelation 19:6-8) after which the Bride returns to the earth with the Groom. (Revelation 19:14). The wedding feast is held on earth. (Revelation 19:9)
John 14:1-4
I Thessalonians 4:11-18
I Thessalonians 5:6-10
Christ is coming for His people. This has been a contentious issue since the start of the Church. In the early church they were living in the daily expectation of the return of Christ. This was the power and motivation behind the early church for the first three hundred years. This is a very practical doctrine of Scripture and not something to go overboard on. If you have a biblical view you will be practical rather than foolish. “Prophecy nuts” have not had a good result anywhere in the history of the church, but the practical application of prophecy always is beneficial!
It is important to realise that you cannot go to one place only in the New Testament to get a full explanation of the Second Coming. You should go through the New Testament in a chronological sense. For instance if the theme is mentioned in James you look at James
First, then Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians and so on, in the order they were written, so that you see the revelation of truth as the earliest believers received it.
In John 14:1-4 we have the introduction of the Lord coming again. It is still future. The purpose of the knowledge of the Second Coming is that you might have peace of mind. It is that history has a purpose and that He is coming again. History is not going to end with a maybe or might but it will end with a definite coming of the Lord. The Lord's ascension was not a cause for sorrow but he went so that he can return in fulfillment of John 14.
The expectation that He would return was so strong in the earliest church that they all expected to be present at the return of the Lord. Because there was such an expectation there was great consternation in some of the churches when some of the believers started to die.
The church at Thessalonica was a young and enthusiastic church but without a lot of understanding of God's Word, for they were young in faith. This is why Bible teaching is so important in the young church. Whilst some had died, others had been martyred and yet others had given up their jobs waiting for the return of the Lord. In 1 and 2 Thessalonians Paul gives them an answer. In chapter 4 verses 11 and 12 Paul tells them that as a part of their witness they should work honestly minding their own business. The Second Coming of Christ should not create people who have a bad witness. You should not stand in a white sheet waving a palm branch around as many people have over the centuries.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Paul says that he would not have them ignorant about this event. In verse 18 this news should bring comfort which ties in with John 14 where the Lord said that believers should not worry. As long as we have got it right we will receive comfort and not get upset. Conversely if you have not got comfort from the Second Coming you have got it wrong.
In God's plan you should act in conformity with 1 Thessalonians 5 rather than the so called Ten Commandments. We are going beyond the Mosaic Law to something greater because we are looking forward to something greater than Moses was. Moses was looking forward to the Cross; we are looking forward to the Second Coming. Moses had the concept that the Messiah would come. We have the knowledge that He has come and that He is coming again. If you understand that His coming is imminent then you will be keeping the commandments in chapter 5.
There is quite a lot of argument about this subject. Those who violently argue about this often do not measure up in their own lives to either 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 or chapter 5. If you come across people like this you should tell them that when they get their life in order you will sit down and discuss theology with them.
There are many different ideas on the Second Coming. There are the pre-millennial, pre tribulation, post tribulation, mid tribulation and A-millennial. The one that does not require the spiritualizing of Scripture is the pre tribulation, pre millennial viewpoint, which is the most anciently held view of the church.
This was the view which was held by the Early Church and conforms best we believe with the Word of God. It can therefore be classified as the conservative/orthodox position. The doctrine of the Second Coming should have an impact on our life. If it does not we have misunderstood it.
In the first two hundred years nearly all the Christians believed in a literal coming again, Rapture, Millennium, and it was not until Origen, Clement, and Augustine of Hippo, in the later centuries that you get the figurative interpretation. It is to these men that the many ‘reformed group’ of theologians trace their origins to. However there is better evidence for the orthodox view than that proposed by the Reformed groups.
The Second Coming of Christ is said to be mentioned 318 times in 260 chapters of the Bible and occupies one in twenty five verses. Therefore if you think that the Second Coming is not important one in twenty five verses in the New Testament says that you are wrong.
It is not an optional extra although the entire liberal churches side step it and many evangelicals do not hold a stated position because it is controversial. As one in twenty five verses in the New Testament deals with this subject you should have at least two messages a year on this subject.
This one doctrine is made up of two specific events; the first part is when He comes for his church, the second when He comes back with His people. This first event is quite often referred to as the Rapture whilst the second is known as the Second Advent.
At the Second Advent we know exactly where He is going to come to, as the Mount of Olives will split in two when He arrives. We can go to Israel and stand on the Mount of Olives and say to the Lord that I know this is where you will arrive on your return. Zechariah 14:4-5
There is a time gap of some duration between them and this is where the tribulation occurs. This is a cause of disagreement between the dispensationalists and the reformed theologians. It is essential with this subject that you teach something, thus it is important that you come to grips with it.
With unfulfilled prophecy you have to be guided by the Holy Spirit and what the Word of God says. Scripture must be compared with Scripture and find out what does fit together. There are a lot of good systems which are internally consistent but do not comply with the Word of God. The correct view will always get you out in evangelism, clam your doubts, and stimulate you to lead a holy life and do the Lord's will.
In Matthew 24 the disciples were totally unprepared for the statement recorded in John 14. In the former passage they had been prepared for the return of the Messiah to set up the kingdom, not that He was going away as stated in John 14. In the latter passage He is to prepare a place for them and return to take them to that place which was clearly heaven. There are therefore two separate events. The disciples, like most since, were confused by this.
The progressive revelation of this doctrine is important. There is a contrast between the Lord coming for His saints and coming with His saints.
Christ comes for his saints to take them from the earth to heaven
Living saints are translated
The saints go to heaven
The world is unchanged and continues in sin
It is a deliverance from the day of wrath
It is imminent and could occur at any time
It is a truth revealed only in the New Testament
This relates to only those who are saved.
Satan is not bound and is very active on the earth
Saints leave the earth in their resurrection bodies
The Rapture relates to the Church
A time of comfort Christ returns to earth to set up His kingdom. No saints are translated
The saints remain on the earth.
The world is judged and righteousness is established.
Deliverance for those believers who have survived the day of wrath.
Preceded by many events. This is a prominent doctrine in both Testaments
Relates to both saved and unsaved.
Satan is bound for the Millennium.
Saints remain to repopulate the earth.
The Second Advent and Millennium relates to covenants with Israel - Davidic and Palestinian A time of terror for unbelievers
This is the pre tribulation view which contrasts with the post Tribulation view which has both items occurring at the same time. We believe the pre tribulation concept is correct as it is based on the literal acceptance of the prophecy contained in the Scriptures while the Post Tribulation concept relies on symbolic interpretation of the prophecies.
The Lord could come for us at any time, with nothing in Scripture requiring fulfillment before the Lord can come for His church. The last statement or prayer in the Bible says "Even so come Lord Jesus". They lived every day expecting the Lord to come and therefore the prayer was legitimate. There are also many verses in the Old Testament which deal with the Second Advent of Christ, thus those in the Tribulation will have a timetable for the Second Coming of the Lord. It will be an encouragement for them.
There will be more saved in the Tribulation period, not only due to the 144,000 witnesses, and the angels but also those to whom we have witnessed and leave messages for.
1. The Rapture of the Church is the termination of the Church Age and is the taking of all genuine believers since Pentecost to Heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. General Scripture (John 1 4:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
3. The Rapture and the 2nd Advent should not be confused, they are 7 years apart being separated by the Tribulation and have different characteristics.
4. Rapture
a) Not revealed in Old Testament.
b) Promises to the Church fulfilled.
c) Judgment seat of Christ rewards (1 Corinthians 3:12-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, 2 Timothy 2:11)
d) Christ the Bridegroom and Head
e) Believers body changed (not creation) (1 Corinthians 15:51-58, Philippians 3:21)
f) Church goes to heaven. (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
g) Imminent - no signs to be fulfilled before the Church can be removed.
h) Time of comfort for believer. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
i) Christ will meet the Church in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
j) Private (only believers will see)
k) Before tribulation
l) Believers go out of the world. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
m) Removal of the Holy Spirit. (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
5. Second Advent
a) Spoken of by all major Old Testament prophets. (Zechariah 14:4)
b) Promises to Israel fulfilled.
c) Great White Throne Judgment (after Millennium) - unbelievers. (Matthew 25:31, Revelation 20:12-15).
d) Christ the Messiah to Israel (Daniel 9:25)
e) Radical changes in nature. (Romans 8:19-22)
f) Church comes back to earth (1 Thessalonians 3:13) 4:17)
g) Many details of prophecy yet to be fulfilled. (Revelation Chapters 6-19)
h) Time of terror for unbeliever. (Revelation 6:15-17)
i) Christ will come back to earth (Zechariah 14:4)
j) Public - every eye shall see him (Revelation 1- 7)
k) After tribulation.
l) Unbelievers taken off the earth (Matthew 24:37-42)
m) Removal of Satan (Revelation 20:1-3)
6. The Rapture is before the Tribulation. Thus the Pre Tribulation Rapture position is shown by nine factors.
a) The worried Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians 2:1-6)
b) The Restrainer removed (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12)
c) The lack of the word 'Church' in (Revelation 13:9)
d) The verb Tereo in (Revelation 3:10)
e) Grace before judgment (John 14:3)
f) Resurrections in their order. (1 Corinthians 15:22-26)
g) The Covenant approach. The Abrahamic, Davidic and Palestinian covenant fulfilled at 2nd Advent.
h) The Church is in heaven before the Seal Judgments (Revelation 4, 5)
i) The contrast between the 2nd Advent and the Rapture
(Why the Church will not go through the Tribulation)
1. On the basis of the distinction between Israel and the Church:
a) God never deals with Israel and the Church at the same time.
b) Because of the promises to Israel, yet unfulfilled, Israel must have a future. Evangelistic and missionary responsibility of Israel will be completed in the Tribulation.
c) The nation of Israel has not been completed.
d) "Daniel's 70 weeks" not completed. (Jeremiah 25:11, 12, 29:10, Daniel 9:2, 24, 25)
2. Statement and Structure of Revelation:
a) The statement (Revelation 3:10) "Tereo ek" (to keep out), not "Aireo" (to take out) used in context.
b) The structure: Church Age/Tribulation/Millennium/Eternity. (Revelation 2-3, 7-19, 20, 21:1-8)
3. The Statement of Thessalonians:
a) Removal of the restraining presence of the Holy Spirit is impossible without removing the Church at the same time. 2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7.
b) In 2 Thessalonians 2:2 the incorrect translation in the A.V. confuses the entire passage. "Day of Christ" should read "Day of the Lord" (False teachers came with a forged letter supposedly from Paul which implied that the Day of the Lord, or the Tribulation, had already come).
c) In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 the phrase "in Christ" refers to believers in the Church Age. Verse 18 emphasises a comfort which could not exist if the Church went through the Tribulation.
4. Remnant of the Tribulation:
a) Christ returns to the earth with His saints (1 Thessalonians 3-13, Jude 1 4).
b) Jesus at the same time delivers saints at the Second Advent. (Zechariah 14:1-5)
c) Christ cannot come with saints and deliver saints unless there are two groups of saints - Church and Tribulation Saints.
Obviously, both groups exist and both groups of saints are separated.
5. Grace before Judgment: God gives grace before judging.
a) Warning - Noah was rescued by heeding God's warning.
b) Rescue - Lot was rescued by God.
6. Imminence of the Rapture:
a) No prophecy of Scripture has to be fulfilled before the Rapture can take place. (1 Corinthians 1:7, Colossians 3:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:1, Titus 2:13)
b) Hence, the Rapture can take place at any time.
c) Not so the Second Advent: much prophecy must be fulfilled before Second Advent.
7. Nature of the Tribulation:
a) Purpose of the Tribulation: to bring judgment on a Christ-rejecting world. God demonstrates that man cannot provide a perfect environment when Satan has full control and restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit is removed.
b) God completes His dealings with Israel, which allows the Jews to fulfil their missionary ministry begun after the Babylonian Captivity.
c) God prepares Israel for the fulfilment of the Unconditional Covenants by the return of Christ during Israel's darkest hour and the low point of human history Tribulation).
8. Activity of the Church in Heaven (Revelation 4, 5)
a) Before the Church returns to the earth with Christ, they must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ for evaluation of production in the Christian walk - rewards. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15)
b) Hence, some interval is necessary (7 years) before the Bride of the Lamb can be prepared.
c) The marriage of the Lamb takes place in heaven. (Revelation 19:6-8) after which the Bride returns to the earth with the Groom. (Revelation 19:14). The wedding feast is held on earth. (Revelation 19:9)
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