His Ascension and Ministry Now John 14:1-4, 16-20
Acts 1:6-11
Luke 24:50-53
Hebrews 10:11-14
Jude 24-25 Ascension and Session
Prophet Priest and King
The ascension is something that is not stressed at all today apart from it being an introduction to Pentecost. It is however very important, as it is the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. This begins the Ministry which we are enjoying today and will continue to enjoy until He comes for us or we go to be with Him.
In the Old Testament - Psalm 68:18 Ephesians 4:8, Psalm 110:1 Acts 2:34
In the sayings of Christ - John 7:33, 14:12, 28, 16:5 in going to his Father and John 6:62, 20:17 in His ascension
In the New Testament - Luke 9:51, 24:51, Acts 1:6-11, Ephesians 4:10, 1 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 3:22
The Christian life is in three phases, salvation, the life on earth, the life in heaven.
The ministry of Christ falls into four areas, the pre-incarnate ministry, the ministry of the first advent, His present ministry and His millennial ministry.
In John 14:1-4 the Lord ties the Second Advent of the Lord to the need to go away. He says that as certain as He is going He will return after He has prepared a place for us. Later in the chapter He says that He will send us another comforter. John 14:16,17 At this point He foretells enormous changes coming in the lives of the disciples after He has gone. The Lord's departure and the coming of the Church are inter related. The doorway to blessing was opened at the ascension.
The ascension marked the end of the period of Christ's humiliation and His entrance into the state of exaltation. Even the forty days between His resurrection and ascension involved some limitation as with respect to showing His glory. Notice that his post resurrection appearances did not startle the disciples as far as the appearance of His resurrection body was concerned.
1. The resurrection body of Christ was capable of 'space travel' the humanity of Christ in resurrection traveled through all three heavens. (John 20:1 7) (The 1st Heaven – is the atmosphere, the 2nd Heaven – is Stellar Space, the 3rd Heaven – is the Throne Room of God).
2. The purpose of this space travel was to arrive in a human body at the throne room of God the Father. Although covered with no protective space suit, the resurrection body did not burn up as it traveled through the universe, it did not suffer fatigue but arrived in perfect condition (Romans 8:34, Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2). Upon his arrival, the Father said, "sit down at my right hand" (Psalm 110: 1, Hebrews 1: 13). Deity does not sit, only Christ's humanity sat down. This indicated the acceptability of the humanity of Christ (Ephesians 1:20) and guarantees the acceptability of regenerate mankind (Ephesians 2:6)
The seating or session of Christ declared Him superior to all angels, elect or fallen (1 Peter 3:22). Today believers are positionally higher than angels but in the resurrection body believers will be physically superior to angels. This is why God gives every believer at least one angelic servant - to some many more - a down payment that we will be one day superior to them (Hebrews 1: 14). Who made this possible? Jesus Christ through ascension and session.
3. The ascension and session of the humanity of Christ produced victory in the angelic conflict. (Hebrews 1:3-13).
4. The ascension begins a new stage of the angelic conflict (Ephesians 1:20-22), 4:7-10). Hence the believer of the Church age is involved in the intensification of the angelic conflict.
5. The ascension and session begins the subjection of his enemies (Psalm 110: 1) as quoted in (Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:33-34, Hebrews 1: 13).
6. The second advent of Christ will conclude the subjection process (Daniel 7:13, 14, Zechariah 13:2, Colossians 2:1 5, Revelation 20:1-3)
7. The ascension and session also completes the glorification of Christ. (Acts 2:33, Philippians 2:9, 1 Peter 3:22)
8. The ascension explains the uniqueness of the Church Age. (John 7:37-39)
The post ascension appearances of Christ to John described in Revelation 1 must have shown His glory much more vividly. The ascension having taken place, Christ was then ready to begin other ministries in behalf of His own and of the world.
The Lord has been exalted in heaven and is full of glory. The ascension was His graduation, going back to the Father and hearing Him say "well done". The mission is accomplished, everything is done; you now begin a new phase of the plan.
The Place - Towards Bethany - Luke 24:50 on the Mt of Olives Acts 1:12
The Method – will be a gradual movement upwards as if supported by a cloud. Acts 1:9
The Promise was that he would return in a similar way.
Acts 1:6-11 gives a description of the ascension. This immediately tells us that the Lord is coming again; the ascension is the guarantee of the second coming. It also tells us how He will come in exactly the same way He left us. It is an actual fact of history.
It is not a symbolic thing. Just as it happened on Ascension Day; so it will be at his Second Advent. From the past we have confidence in the present and assurance for the future. The ascension occurred near Bethany on the Mount of Olives. The Lord traveled as if He were supported by a cloud going up in a long upward movement. There is a companion passage in Luke 24:50-53. The disciples’ response was to praise God for the ten days until Pentecost. They had victory in their souls after witnessing the resurrection.
The problem passage which the liberals bring up is in John 20:17 Did He ascend to heaven before the public ascension? Some think that John20:17, indicates one or more ascensions before the one detailed in Acts I. However, the verb translated as, "I ascend", is most likely a futuristic present referring to the coming public ascension of Acts I and referring to it with certainty. It is as if the Lord were saying to Mary, "Stop clinging to ME”. “There is no need for this, as I am not yet at the point of permanent ascension”. “You will still have the opportunity to see ME”. “However, there is no question that I will certainly ascend to be with My Father”.
It is the Lord's exaltation. The disciples watched as Christ was taken up and could see it as the beginning of the victory march. The Lord was glorified by the Father with the glory He had prior to the incarnation. He has been exalted above all principalities. The Lord was not only raised up from the grave but was raised bodily into heaven in praise and glory. In the ascension we have the beginning of the glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ who has won the victory in the angelic conflict.
[a] He was glorified that He might glorify the Father.
[b] That He might be a Prince and a Saviour.
[c] That He might enter heaven as a forerunner for faithful humanity.
[d] That He might enter heaven for Himself
[e] That He might act as High Priest on our behalf.
[f] That He awaits the complete subjection of His enemies.
The purpose was to show that the victory on the Cross might be shown as complete, that the victory might win the glory and that it might be appropriated by us.
There is a purpose in the ascension which is integrated into us as believers as the Lord Jesus Christ is acting on our behalf now. The ascension tells us that He arrived in heaven in victory and glory.
The post ascension ministries of the Lord Jesus Christ are as follows as far as Chafer notes them:
[a] God's great power is shown towards us.
[b] We have a great high priest
[c] Our great high priest is in heaven
[d] In the blood of Christ we can be bold
[e] Glory is the Lord's now and will be ours later.
[f] Because of the ascension the Lord has received the promise of the Holy Spirit and poured it forth upon His obedient and believing disciples.
[g] He has gone to prepare a place for us.
[h] Because of His exaltation the believers will do greater works than Christ did in the days of His humiliation.
[i] The power of the glorified Christ is available through the power of the Holy Spirit.
[j] Jesus Christ has been exalted above the angels and received a name that is above every name, everything is subject to Him and has become His footstool.
The final triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ is at the Second Advent. The Rapture of the Church will be the victory march of believers to heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ is pictured at the right hand of the Father which is a position of power, authority and glory. The Lord has full glory now.
On earth His glory was shielded, now it is full. This is the difference of His appearances after He arose and after He ascended. This is shown by Paul's meeting with the Lord on the road to Damascus. John on the Island of Patmos gives another idea of this. Here he sees the risen and ascended Lord which causes him to faint. It would have been great to walk with the Lord on earth but it is even greater to anticipate being with Him in glory. The Lord has become King of Kings and Lord of Lords at His entry into heaven. The biggest change in heaven is that a man is now seated at the right hand of the Father, the God-man Jesus Christ.
God becomes man to be a Saviour. The Saviour is glorified through His victory and becomes our High Priest. The High Priest completes His job and takes up His crown to become forever King of Kings.
[a] Head of the Church,
[b] He is the priest for His people
[c] He is preparing a place for us.
[a] He will raise the dead,
[b] Reward those who believe in Him
[c] Rule.
[a] He is High Priest,
[b] He bestows spiritual gifts
[c] He ever lives to make intercession for us
[d] He appears for His own in the presence of God.
[a] He indwells His Church,
[b] He abides with His Church,
[c] He sent His Spirit to minister to the Church.
Hebrews 10:11-14 gives the plan behind this. We should be keen about thinking of the return of the Lord which was the motivation which sent the early believers throughout the world. He is awaiting his enemies becoming His footstool. The victor in the ancient world would sit on his throne on the battlefield and the conquered enemy would bow before him and become his footstool. The Lord has won the angelic conflict. The blood of Christ has dealt with sin. The Lord is waiting on His throne until the last enemy is brought in who will be subject to this sign of absolute total defeat. Satan, sin and death are the final enemies.
The writer to the Hebrews makes it clear that these things are certain. We must get a glimpse of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ every week. They must be aware that the victory has been won and we are involved in a mopping up campaign. The Lord is no longer on the Cross; he is seated in glory at the right hand of the Father. Our crosses are empty crosses in the churches, because the job is done. When we suffer pressure we should boldly approach the throne of grace where the Lord Jesus Christ is seated in glory, we are on the winning team. See yourself in the light of the ascension and draw on the power that the Lord has for you.
1. Jesus in His resurrection body travelled from earth to heaven. (John 20:17)
2. With Jesus Christ now in heaven, He has given His Spirit to indwell us on earth. (John 7:37-39)
3. Upon his arrival in heaven, God the Father said "sit down at my right hand" (Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 1:3, 13).
4. The session of Christ indicates the acceptability of the first man, Jesus Christ, into heaven (Ephesians 1:20) and guarantees the acceptability of all believers (Ephesians 2:6)
5. The session of Christ declared Him superior to all angels (Hebrews 2:6-8, 1 Peter 3:22).
6. The session of Christ produced victory in the angelic conflict. (Hebrews 1:3-13).
7. The session begins the subjection of His enemies "under his feet" (Psalm 110:1), fulfilled at the Second Advent (Colossians 2:15, Revelation 20:1-3)
8. The session completes the glorification of Christ. (Acts 2:33, Philippians 2:9)
9. Seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus now ministers as our great high priest (Hebrews 7:23-25)
1. Christ is the rock of salvation. (Exodus 17:1-7, 1 Corinthians 10:4)
2. Christ is the rock of judgment. (Isaiah 8:1 4, 1 Peter 2:8)
3. Christ is the rock of provision. (Isaiah 26:3, 4) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because be trusteth thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever for in the Lord is the rock of ages.
4. Christ is the foundation rock. (Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 118:22)
5. Christ is the foundation rock of the Church. (Matthew 16:16, 18, 1 Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20-22)
6. Christ is the destroying rock of the Second Advent. (Daniel 2:35)
His Ascension and Ministry Now John 14:1-4, 16-20
Acts 1:6-11
Luke 24:50-53
Hebrews 10:11-14
Jude 24-25 Ascension and Session
Prophet Priest and King
The ascension is something that is not stressed at all today apart from it being an introduction to Pentecost. It is however very important, as it is the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. This begins the Ministry which we are enjoying today and will continue to enjoy until He comes for us or we go to be with Him.
In the Old Testament - Psalm 68:18 Ephesians 4:8, Psalm 110:1 Acts 2:34
In the sayings of Christ - John 7:33, 14:12, 28, 16:5 in going to his Father and John 6:62, 20:17 in His ascension
In the New Testament - Luke 9:51, 24:51, Acts 1:6-11, Ephesians 4:10, 1 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 3:22
The Christian life is in three phases, salvation, the life on earth, the life in heaven.
The ministry of Christ falls into four areas, the pre-incarnate ministry, the ministry of the first advent, His present ministry and His millennial ministry.
In John 14:1-4 the Lord ties the Second Advent of the Lord to the need to go away. He says that as certain as He is going He will return after He has prepared a place for us. Later in the chapter He says that He will send us another comforter. John 14:16,17 At this point He foretells enormous changes coming in the lives of the disciples after He has gone. The Lord's departure and the coming of the Church are inter related. The doorway to blessing was opened at the ascension.
The ascension marked the end of the period of Christ's humiliation and His entrance into the state of exaltation. Even the forty days between His resurrection and ascension involved some limitation as with respect to showing His glory. Notice that his post resurrection appearances did not startle the disciples as far as the appearance of His resurrection body was concerned.
1. The resurrection body of Christ was capable of 'space travel' the humanity of Christ in resurrection traveled through all three heavens. (John 20:1 7) (The 1st Heaven – is the atmosphere, the 2nd Heaven – is Stellar Space, the 3rd Heaven – is the Throne Room of God).
2. The purpose of this space travel was to arrive in a human body at the throne room of God the Father. Although covered with no protective space suit, the resurrection body did not burn up as it traveled through the universe, it did not suffer fatigue but arrived in perfect condition (Romans 8:34, Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2). Upon his arrival, the Father said, "sit down at my right hand" (Psalm 110: 1, Hebrews 1: 13). Deity does not sit, only Christ's humanity sat down. This indicated the acceptability of the humanity of Christ (Ephesians 1:20) and guarantees the acceptability of regenerate mankind (Ephesians 2:6)
The seating or session of Christ declared Him superior to all angels, elect or fallen (1 Peter 3:22). Today believers are positionally higher than angels but in the resurrection body believers will be physically superior to angels. This is why God gives every believer at least one angelic servant - to some many more - a down payment that we will be one day superior to them (Hebrews 1: 14). Who made this possible? Jesus Christ through ascension and session.
3. The ascension and session of the humanity of Christ produced victory in the angelic conflict. (Hebrews 1:3-13).
4. The ascension begins a new stage of the angelic conflict (Ephesians 1:20-22), 4:7-10). Hence the believer of the Church age is involved in the intensification of the angelic conflict.
5. The ascension and session begins the subjection of his enemies (Psalm 110: 1) as quoted in (Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:33-34, Hebrews 1: 13).
6. The second advent of Christ will conclude the subjection process (Daniel 7:13, 14, Zechariah 13:2, Colossians 2:1 5, Revelation 20:1-3)
7. The ascension and session also completes the glorification of Christ. (Acts 2:33, Philippians 2:9, 1 Peter 3:22)
8. The ascension explains the uniqueness of the Church Age. (John 7:37-39)
The post ascension appearances of Christ to John described in Revelation 1 must have shown His glory much more vividly. The ascension having taken place, Christ was then ready to begin other ministries in behalf of His own and of the world.
The Lord has been exalted in heaven and is full of glory. The ascension was His graduation, going back to the Father and hearing Him say "well done". The mission is accomplished, everything is done; you now begin a new phase of the plan.
The Place - Towards Bethany - Luke 24:50 on the Mt of Olives Acts 1:12
The Method – will be a gradual movement upwards as if supported by a cloud. Acts 1:9
The Promise was that he would return in a similar way.
Acts 1:6-11 gives a description of the ascension. This immediately tells us that the Lord is coming again; the ascension is the guarantee of the second coming. It also tells us how He will come in exactly the same way He left us. It is an actual fact of history.
It is not a symbolic thing. Just as it happened on Ascension Day; so it will be at his Second Advent. From the past we have confidence in the present and assurance for the future. The ascension occurred near Bethany on the Mount of Olives. The Lord traveled as if He were supported by a cloud going up in a long upward movement. There is a companion passage in Luke 24:50-53. The disciples’ response was to praise God for the ten days until Pentecost. They had victory in their souls after witnessing the resurrection.
The problem passage which the liberals bring up is in John 20:17 Did He ascend to heaven before the public ascension? Some think that John20:17, indicates one or more ascensions before the one detailed in Acts I. However, the verb translated as, "I ascend", is most likely a futuristic present referring to the coming public ascension of Acts I and referring to it with certainty. It is as if the Lord were saying to Mary, "Stop clinging to ME”. “There is no need for this, as I am not yet at the point of permanent ascension”. “You will still have the opportunity to see ME”. “However, there is no question that I will certainly ascend to be with My Father”.
It is the Lord's exaltation. The disciples watched as Christ was taken up and could see it as the beginning of the victory march. The Lord was glorified by the Father with the glory He had prior to the incarnation. He has been exalted above all principalities. The Lord was not only raised up from the grave but was raised bodily into heaven in praise and glory. In the ascension we have the beginning of the glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ who has won the victory in the angelic conflict.
[a] He was glorified that He might glorify the Father.
[b] That He might be a Prince and a Saviour.
[c] That He might enter heaven as a forerunner for faithful humanity.
[d] That He might enter heaven for Himself
[e] That He might act as High Priest on our behalf.
[f] That He awaits the complete subjection of His enemies.
The purpose was to show that the victory on the Cross might be shown as complete, that the victory might win the glory and that it might be appropriated by us.
There is a purpose in the ascension which is integrated into us as believers as the Lord Jesus Christ is acting on our behalf now. The ascension tells us that He arrived in heaven in victory and glory.
The post ascension ministries of the Lord Jesus Christ are as follows as far as Chafer notes them:
[a] God's great power is shown towards us.
[b] We have a great high priest
[c] Our great high priest is in heaven
[d] In the blood of Christ we can be bold
[e] Glory is the Lord's now and will be ours later.
[f] Because of the ascension the Lord has received the promise of the Holy Spirit and poured it forth upon His obedient and believing disciples.
[g] He has gone to prepare a place for us.
[h] Because of His exaltation the believers will do greater works than Christ did in the days of His humiliation.
[i] The power of the glorified Christ is available through the power of the Holy Spirit.
[j] Jesus Christ has been exalted above the angels and received a name that is above every name, everything is subject to Him and has become His footstool.
The final triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ is at the Second Advent. The Rapture of the Church will be the victory march of believers to heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ is pictured at the right hand of the Father which is a position of power, authority and glory. The Lord has full glory now.
On earth His glory was shielded, now it is full. This is the difference of His appearances after He arose and after He ascended. This is shown by Paul's meeting with the Lord on the road to Damascus. John on the Island of Patmos gives another idea of this. Here he sees the risen and ascended Lord which causes him to faint. It would have been great to walk with the Lord on earth but it is even greater to anticipate being with Him in glory. The Lord has become King of Kings and Lord of Lords at His entry into heaven. The biggest change in heaven is that a man is now seated at the right hand of the Father, the God-man Jesus Christ.
God becomes man to be a Saviour. The Saviour is glorified through His victory and becomes our High Priest. The High Priest completes His job and takes up His crown to become forever King of Kings.
[a] Head of the Church,
[b] He is the priest for His people
[c] He is preparing a place for us.
[a] He will raise the dead,
[b] Reward those who believe in Him
[c] Rule.
[a] He is High Priest,
[b] He bestows spiritual gifts
[c] He ever lives to make intercession for us
[d] He appears for His own in the presence of God.
[a] He indwells His Church,
[b] He abides with His Church,
[c] He sent His Spirit to minister to the Church.
Hebrews 10:11-14 gives the plan behind this. We should be keen about thinking of the return of the Lord which was the motivation which sent the early believers throughout the world. He is awaiting his enemies becoming His footstool. The victor in the ancient world would sit on his throne on the battlefield and the conquered enemy would bow before him and become his footstool. The Lord has won the angelic conflict. The blood of Christ has dealt with sin. The Lord is waiting on His throne until the last enemy is brought in who will be subject to this sign of absolute total defeat. Satan, sin and death are the final enemies.
The writer to the Hebrews makes it clear that these things are certain. We must get a glimpse of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ every week. They must be aware that the victory has been won and we are involved in a mopping up campaign. The Lord is no longer on the Cross; he is seated in glory at the right hand of the Father. Our crosses are empty crosses in the churches, because the job is done. When we suffer pressure we should boldly approach the throne of grace where the Lord Jesus Christ is seated in glory, we are on the winning team. See yourself in the light of the ascension and draw on the power that the Lord has for you.
1. Jesus in His resurrection body travelled from earth to heaven. (John 20:17)
2. With Jesus Christ now in heaven, He has given His Spirit to indwell us on earth. (John 7:37-39)
3. Upon his arrival in heaven, God the Father said "sit down at my right hand" (Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 1:3, 13).
4. The session of Christ indicates the acceptability of the first man, Jesus Christ, into heaven (Ephesians 1:20) and guarantees the acceptability of all believers (Ephesians 2:6)
5. The session of Christ declared Him superior to all angels (Hebrews 2:6-8, 1 Peter 3:22).
6. The session of Christ produced victory in the angelic conflict. (Hebrews 1:3-13).
7. The session begins the subjection of His enemies "under his feet" (Psalm 110:1), fulfilled at the Second Advent (Colossians 2:15, Revelation 20:1-3)
8. The session completes the glorification of Christ. (Acts 2:33, Philippians 2:9)
9. Seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus now ministers as our great high priest (Hebrews 7:23-25)
1. Christ is the rock of salvation. (Exodus 17:1-7, 1 Corinthians 10:4)
2. Christ is the rock of judgment. (Isaiah 8:1 4, 1 Peter 2:8)
3. Christ is the rock of provision. (Isaiah 26:3, 4) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because be trusteth thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever for in the Lord is the rock of ages.
4. Christ is the foundation rock. (Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 118:22)
5. Christ is the foundation rock of the Church. (Matthew 16:16, 18, 1 Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20-22)
6. Christ is the destroying rock of the Second Advent. (Daniel 2:35)
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