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Thursday, 9 February 2012



Holy Spirit - Baptism

Ephesians 4:5
1 Corinthian 12:12-13
Ephesians 5:18
Acts 1:5
Galatians 3:26-28

Baptism of Holy Spirit In Christ


In Ephesians 4:5 we are told of One Lord, One Faith One Baptism. This is a very controversial verse and theologians do not all agree as to the meaning of ‘one baptism’.

Many believe that this verse is not talking about water baptism at all; but a totally different baptism all together. They teach that the ‘one baptism’ we all share in; is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which marks the beginning of the believer's association with Christ. Yet other theologians claim that baptism in water is ‘that which saves us’ and go as far as to teach that unless we are baptized in water we are not saved

The verses in 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13 seems to contradict this argument, as they show all Christians are baptized by one Spirit into one body and drink the one Spirit. This event is common to all believers in the Church age. If you have not been baptized by the Holy Spirit you are not a believer. This is clearly seen in the Greek and it is therefore important to analyze it. We believe that water and Holy Spirit baptisms are important and should be a part of our Christian walk with our heavenly Father.

Baptism - What is it?

Baptizo, the Greek verb, means to baptize. It is in the aorist passive indicative, aorist means a point of time in the past or passive, we can receive it at the point of salvation, but not always. You as a believer should have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at some time in the past; you did not earn it or deserve it, as it was freely given to you. Nothing was done to receive it. It was grace all the way. There are no exceptions. Even the poorest believer should receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The meanings of "Baptizo" is to totally dip or immerse, to wash. However the primary meaning is to identify one object with another so that the first object is changed. A historical example was the baptizing of the hunting spears of the Greek soldiers.

In the day of Alexander the Great, before the army headed off towards modern Turkey, many of the Greek troops had not been in a battle. In order to enhance their performance the hunting spears which they took with them were dipped in a bucket of pig’s blood in the belief that it changed the nature of the hunting spear into a warrior's spear. By analogy once we were part of the world but the Holy Spirit so identified us with Christ that we were changed into part of His body. This shows how critical the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is.


The baptism of the Holy Spirit should enable the believer to come into union with Christ and the ‘Body of Christ’. This gives the believer their identity as a Christian. I am a member of the Christian Body; I am a member of the Body of Christ. This is done so that a love relationship may grow with Him and in Him. This opens the channel of blessing for us because it relates us to His church, His Body on earth.

Your attitude to the Holy Spirit will determine your attitude to the local church. The local church should be based on the reality of the Work of the Holy Spirit, but many are not. The Biblical teaching is that we have been Born Again once and for all by the Holy Spirit into the church. Some groups do not realise this important fact and do not even recognise the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an important event to accepting Jesus as their saviour.

We also need to recognise that this is also different from asking for the Holy Spirit to fall on the believers and fill them up with dunimas power, but many leaders get confused over this issue.

Origin of the Church

One of the main reasons for confusion in this area is because some people believe that the church began in Abraham's tent or with the ministry of John the Baptist. This makes it much more difficult to understand rather than believing that it started at Pentecost where the first Baptism of the Holy Spirit took place. Baptism is often taken as a synonym to the filling of the Holy Spirit but this is associated with the ministry of regeneration in the church age. As a result we are special. Many of the problems that occur are because Christians do not understand just how special they are.

It is important not to study Acts by itself. At Pentecost everything happens at once and is therefore unique. They are sealed, indwelt, regenerated, baptized and given spiritual gifts as mature believers. The following day Peter was preaching the Gospel with boldness, which was unusual as he had denied the Lord out of fear only a few weeks before this occurrence.

In Ephesians 5:18 we are told that Christian’s should not get drunk, but be filled with the Spirit. This is a command, present passive imperative; you are commanded not to get drunk habitually. A literal translation would be to keep on letting the Spirit fill you.

In 1 Corinthians 12:13, if you think that the Baptism and filling of the Spirit is the same, you have a problem as there is a contradiction in the passages reviewed. You only need to be baptized once and for all; but you need to be habitually filled. We need to deal with sin in our lives and let the Holy Spirit control us.

In Acts 1:5 when did it occur in the person's life? This is ten days before the time when they are going to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had not baptized anyone before that and everyone was looking forward to the feast of Pentecost.

Results of the Baptism of the Spirit

Two results of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit it joins us to the body of Christ with all of our individuality (1 Corinthians 12:13) there being many varieties in the body. The unity is the baptism of the Spirit. It is only a relationship with the Lord that allows you to have a relationship with other believers. You are part of Him and therefore joined to other believers. This is our co crucifixion with Christ. It also identifies us with the death, resurrection and glorification of the Lord. We are left on earth to learn more about what it means to be in union with Christ. If you are in an intimate relationship with the Lord you also have a great responsibility along with it.

Every relationship has responsibilities, husband and wife, parent and child. The responsibility for us in Christ is to be obedient. The Lord's responsibility is to keep us safe. We should also get to know and love Him more. This is going to modify how you think about the Lord the result is that you should walk worthy according to your calling.

The filling of the Holy Spirit allows you to do the work of the Lord and is evidence of baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians have wasted a lot of time trying to ‘work up’ the baptism of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many believe they can chase after some kind of ‘special impartation or anointing by an anointed celebrity’ but this hinders them. In the Hyper Charismatic movement there is a lot of emphasis on praise and worship but it is often shallow. That is why many who have heading up ‘Praise the Lord’ Television show’s and been regarded as ‘special’ prophets or ‘healers’; have been living a life totally contrary to Bible teaching. Quite a number of them have been committing serious sins in their own personal lives. So if you are going to be involved with just ‘experiences and emotions’ you are not going to have the Holy Spirit control your life. Living with the Holy Spirit is a daily walk with him.



1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in (1 Corinthians 12:13) "By means of one spirit are we all baptised into one body". Once we obtain the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it allows us to achieve being a part of the Body of Christ and confirms our salvation as part of the body.

2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is different to His other ministries: Indwelling, filling, sealing, regeneration, distributing spiritual gifts.

3. The basis of unity and union of believers is achieved by Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:5) "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" - we have one faith in one Lord and receive one baptism, which unites us in the Body of Christ.

4. The implication of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is given in (Galatians 3:26-28) - all believers are united and "equal" in standing before God.

5. The Baptism of the Spirit provides identification with Christ - as the Body of Christ, we share everything that He has (his righteousness, heir-ship, priesthood, kingship, etc) (Ephesians 1:3, Colossians 2:12)

6. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was promised by Jesus Christ. (John 14:19-20, Acts 1:5)

7. The Baptism of the Spirit did not occur in Old Testament times. It is unique to the Church Age. Only Church Age believers are "in Christ" - that is, part of the Body (and the Bride) of Christ. (Colossians 1:25-26)

8. The Baptism of the Spirit begins the Church Age. In (Acts 1:5) Jesus said "Ye shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many (10) days hence". In (Acts 2:3) no mention of the Baptism of the Spirit is made but the experiential side of these happenings are described. In (Acts 11:15-17) Peter says that they received the Baptism of the Spirit just as it was in the beginning and quotes (Acts 1:5).

9. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with water baptism, nor with speaking in tongues, but tongues often come out of a person who has just been baptised by the Holy Spirit. The Baptism of the Spirit is not just an experience; it is not always manifest or seen, felt, or experienced. (1 Corinthians 12:13)

10. The incidence of tongues at Pentecost was because many nations were present in Jerusalem at that time. Tongues fulfilled two requirements initially evangelisation and later within the congregations, tongues could be spoken but required interpretation and there were also tongues for edification. (1 Corinthians 14:2-4)


1. At the point of salvation (being infilled by the Holy Spirit), every believer in the Church Age is entered into the Body of Christ, and is therefore united with Christ. Our position is now, "in Christ".

2. The baptism of the Spirit is how we are united with Christ. (Acts 1:5; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 4:5) The Holy Spirit places the believer in union with Christ.

3. Positional truth belongs to the carnal as well as the spiritual believer, to the apostate believer as well as to the mature believer. (1 Corinthians 1:2, 30)

4. Positional truth protects the believer from divine judgment in eternity, as long as they remain in Christ. (Romans 8:1)

5. Positional truth qualifies the believer to live with God forever:

a) Eternal life (1 John 5:11,12)
b) Imputation of God's righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).

6. Positional truth is the key to both election and predestination (Ephesians 1:3-6).

7. Positional truth creates a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10) based on who and what Christ is, therefore what grace accomplishes - not what changes we make - at salvation or thereafter.

8. Positional truth guarantees the eternal security of the believer, unless he/she renounces the Lord and never repents for their actions. (Romans 8:38, 39, Hebrews 6:4).

9. Positional truth has two aspects:

a) Past - identification with Christ in His death (Romans 6; Colossians 2:12; 3:3)
b) Present (and Future) - identification with Christ in His "new resurrection life".

10. Current positional truth implies that the believer shares certain things in union with Christ:

a) Eternal life (1 John 5:11,12)
b) Righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21)
c) Election (Ephesians 1:4)
d) Destiny (Ephesians 1:5)
e) Son ship (John 1:12; 1 John 3:1,2)
f) Heir ship (Romans 8:16,17)
g) Sanctification (1 Corinthians 1:2,30)
h) Kingdom (2 Peter 1:11)
i) Priesthood (Hebrews 10:10-14; 1 Peter 2:5, 9).

11. Our new position in Christ means we are and must be separated from the world (Ephesians 2:6).

12. As new creatures in Christ, we have a new ministry as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21, 1Corinthians 3:6, 6:4).

13. In Christ, we are never alone, (Colossians 3:4, John 17) we have communion with Him, and with His body (other Christians).

14. We are united with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever- we are in the Father, He is in us - Ephesians 4:6, we are in Christ, He is in us - John 14:20, Colossians 1:26, we are in the Spirit, He is in us - Romans 8:9.

15. We are members of His body, branches of His vine, living stones of His building, sheep of His fold, part of his Bride, priests in his kingdom, saints set apart for his glory.

16. The characteristics of positional truth are six-fold:

a) It is not an experience - neither emotional nor ecstatic.
b) It is not progressive - cannot be improved in time or eternity.
c) It is not related to human merit, ability, or human good. Here are the implications of retroactive positional truth. There is no place in the plan of God for human good.
d) It is eternal in nature; it cannot be changed by God, angels or mankind.
e) It is known only through the Word of God.
f) It can be obtained totally at the point of salvation, but often a believer gets baptised by the Holy Spirit at a later time.

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