John 16:8-11
Luke 1:12-17
Luke 2:25 -26
Luke 11:9-13
Matthew 12:22-37
Mark 3:22-30 Holy Spirit Ministry to Jesus
Holy Spirit – Sins against
This period occurred from the ministry of John the Baptist until the Day of Pentecost. This is a change that the Lord prepared the people for during His ministry. We have a position in Christ with the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit and we are in a highly superior position compared with the Old Testament saints. Most Christians do not understand what they have
Three stages in the expanded ministry of the Holy Spirit are given in the Gospels
Stage 1 - Luke 11:9 13 where the Lord tells the disciples to ask for the Holy Spirit which was something that had not occurred in the Old Testament. This was just after the commissioning of the twelve in verse 8. As the people went out round the nation to preach, to heal, to raise the dead and cast out demons a dramatic and taxing spiritual service they came back knowing that they needed power to do the job. This gave Jesus the opportunity to teach the principle of empowerment by the Spirit.
They realise that there are major enemies to be fought and inner resources greater than man can supply is needed. He therefore says ask for the Holy Spirit. It is of interest that none of the gospels divulge whether any of the disciples took up the offer. It was so novel that they were all a bit hesitant about doing it.
Stage 2 - John 14:16 17 where He explained that the Holy Spirit would be in them rather than with them. This is about a year later than the passage in Luke. They realise that the Spirit is with them and that they need more and the Lord says that there will be more. He explains that on the day of Pentecost the Father will send the Holy Spirit and that they will not be left comfortless.
What is seen here is that the resources to face the enemy after the Cross will need to be bettered and the Lord is going to upgrade it by sending the Spirit. Rather than being with them on a temporary basis it is going to be a permanent indwelling of the Spirit.
Stage 3 - John 20:21 22 where the Lord gave them the Holy Spirit to assist them until Pentecost. It is clear that the Lord is tasking the disciples with replacing Him, as his witness in the world; a task we now have. This is shown clearly in Matthew 28:20 which is the great commission. As it is given both here and in Matthew 28 it is of great importance.
The Lord says that he is sending them out but not in their own strength but in the power of the Holy Spirit. This temporary gifting of the Spirit is going to last them for the ten days until the full giving of the Holy Spirit at the feast of Pentecost.
First He says ask, next that he will pray, and thirdly He breathes on them to give them a temporary empowerment.
Luke 24:49 this is a few days after John 20. It is clear that what was happening in John 20 was temporary until the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:4 8 Luke is the author of Acts and thus the book of Acts follows. As the Cross is the centre point of human history so Pentecost is the start of this new period of human history. The expanded ministries of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost are very important, intricately related to the angelic conflict.
The activity of Satan and his angels since the Cross has been greatly intensified over what it was before. The Cross is the defeat of Satan strategically (Genesis 3:15). A strategic defeat means that the enemy is beaten but he is not finished. Although Satan was defeated at the cross, he still causes havoc amongst the world of mankind. The Apostle Paul warned that Christians need to put on the complete suit of armor, so that they can stand firm against the Devils attacks (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Satan knew from the Cross that he was finished and it was from that time that he went into top gear with his evil attacks upon the Church Of God. Therefore if a Christian does not understand the absolute necessity of living and walking in the Spirit they are in trouble, as they will not have the resources to deal with Satan. The Apostle Peter made this clear when he spoke about Satan being like a roaring Lion seeking to devour Christians (1 Peter 5: 6-8)
Many believers fail because they do not walk in close fellowship with the Spirit. The normal Christian life should be one lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. People that fail do so for one reason or another; allow sin to encroach upon them, get lead away from the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As a believer we must learn to live and walk in the Spirit.
As Born Again ‘Spirit Filled’ Christians we need to understand the power that we have within us. Jesus sent his followers out to teach people all the things he had commanded. He also provided them with the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to be able to achieve this work. (Matthew 28:19, 20) (Acts 1: 8; Acts 2).
Therefore a Christian can be certain that he/she can call upon the Holy Spirit at any time to give them ‘super natural power beyond what is normal’
The Lord said that the believers would produce greater works than He did (John14:14-16). What do these unusual verses mean? This is based on the fact that whilst the Lord had a ministry of just over three years to perform supernatural signs and wonders. He told us that his followers would be able to do ‘greater works’ in his name than even he did.
Any work done in the power of the Holy Spirit is doing the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus told his followers to ask for ‘anything’ in his name and he would do it. That is a great honour and privilege to be able to do the same type of works that even our Lord Jesus did. But these works in themselves are secondary to the greatest work of all and that is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Therefore the greatest mission as a minister is to get your people out of the pews and into the communities declaring the Gospel by means of the Holy Spirit within them. But sadly Many; ‘churchgoers’ will find this work uncomfortable and will not want to be obedient to God's Word.
The sustaining work of the Holy Spirit was deliberately misconstrued by the Pharisees who said that Jesus was demon possessed and using the powers of Satan. This according to the Lord was the unpardonable sin.
Many denominations will accuse others of blaspheming the Holy Ghost when they criticize their own view of the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ in our day. Jesus said; preach the Gospel and obey my commandments and I will send a helper to you. As we know from Acts 2, the Holy Spirit fell in an amazing way and he is still with his people today. So accusing others of blasphemy over differences of interpretation of the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ is really a misuse of Scripture. You often find that those who cry loudest about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit are quenching the Spirit in some way themselves. Differences over this issue do not constitute the committing of the unpardonable sin.
The unpardonable sin in Jesus day was to accuse him of being satanic and reject him as saviour. He is not present today to do such a thing personally, but the unpardonable sin remains as total rejection of him as saviour. No believer can commit that sin as long as they remain in Christ and continually accept him as saviour. The most serious sin in the believer’s life today is the quenching, grieving and resisting of the Holy Spirit. A believer cannot commit the unforgivable sin unless he totally rejects the blood of Jesus and repudiates the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 6:4-6) So we need to be resisting sin in any form and cling to the Word of God.
In Acts 1:8 14 they were to be baptised in the Spirit not many days hence. They were promised power after the Holy Spirit came upon them. They were waiting for the Spirit to come upon them from John 14 via Luke 24:49 to empower them for the rest of the ministry on the earth.
In Acts chapter 2 we have a record of the event. The Spirit came upon them and they were totally baptized by the Holy Spirit for the first time as a group of Christian believers. Acts 2:1-4.
These people as a result went out and preached the gospel in many languages which were understood. Many people were converted as a result of hearing the gospel on that day. In verse 4 they are filled with the Holy Spirit and from verse 5 onwards it shows what happened.
The disciples who were gathered in the upper room on that occasion were already Born Again and in Christ, but at this event, something totally different happened. It is obvious to us that they got baptised by the Holy Spirit and at once were made alive in him. The outward signs were staggering as they reacted as if they were drunk and spoke in various tongues. Therefore baptism in the Holy Spirit has a profound affect on a believer and makes them do something that is unusual and often dramatic. This is the favour of God on a Christian’s life and is an outward demonstration that they are truly Spirit filled Christians.
However a Christian must always remember that they are still imperfect humans who will continually make mistakes. So you still need to be alert to the enemies tactics, when he tries to tempt you to sin and ‘quench or grieve’ the Holy Spirit. Even though you are ‘indwelt’ by the Holy Spirit the ‘carnal/fleshly’ can still control your life if you allow it too. You may even be ‘working’ for the Lord; but success is dependant on you being in fellowship with the Holy Spirit at all times.
If you are going to live for Christ you have to do it in the power of the Holy Spirit, if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit you will fail. So keep asking for the Holy Spirit to fill you up and try to get a trusted prayer partner who is also baptized by the Holy Spirit to pray with you and ‘keep on asking’ and ‘keep on knocking’ for the Holy Spirit to fill you up.
1. The ministry of the Spirit in sustaining Jesus Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament. (Isaiah 11:1-3, 42:1, 61:1-3)
2. The virgin birth was only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1: 18, 20, Psalm 40:6, Hebrews 10:5.
3. The Holy Spirit was given without measure (constant unhindered filling) to the humanity of Christ. (John 3:34)
4. The Holy Spirit was related to the baptism of Jesus. (Matthew 3:16)
5. The Holy Spirit sustained Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry. (Matthew 12:18, 28, Luke 4:14, 15, 18)
6. The Lord acknowledged the work of the Spirit in his works and miracles. (Matthew 12: 8. Quoting Isaiah 44:1, 18, 28, Luke 4:14-21).
7. The sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the Lord when he bore our sins on the cross. Matthew 27:46, Psalms 22.
8. The Holy Spirit had a part in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:11, 1 Peter 3:18)
9. The present ministry of the Holy Spirit relates to the risen Jesus Christ. (John 7:39, 16:14)
10. The same sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit is passed on to us at salvation, and we are commanded to make use of this ministry
11. To grow thereby. (Galatians 4:19, 5: 16, Ephesians 3:16, 17, 5:18, Romans 13:14)
1. RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Unbelievers only) (Acts 7:51, John 16:8-11). This is hardening to the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit.
2. BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT (Unbelievers only) (Matthew 12:31) the purpose of the Holy Spirit was to reveal the person of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees rejected this by claiming He was demon possessed.
3. LYING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (Acts 5:1-3) A sin of false motivation. - Ananias and Sapphira.
4. GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (Ephesians 4:30). Any fleshly sin which the believer commits
5. QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (1 Thessalonians 5:19) A believer who is not allowing the Holy Spirit to exert His full influence.
6. UNPARDONABLE SIN (Matthew 12:22-32)
a) Rejection of Jesus Christ as God and Saviour is the only sin which cannot be forgiven. This unbelief is shown in Matthew 12:24, denying the person and power of Jesus.
b) It is impossible for a believer to commit the unpardonable sin providing he remains in Christ. (Romans 8:1, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 44:22, 1 John 1:7) However if a believer rejects Jesus Christ and does not repent, then he can no longer depend on Gods mercy (Hebrews 6:4-6)
Bless you
John 16:8-11
Luke 1:12-17
Luke 2:25 -26
Luke 11:9-13
Matthew 12:22-37
Mark 3:22-30 Holy Spirit Ministry to Jesus
Holy Spirit – Sins against
This period occurred from the ministry of John the Baptist until the Day of Pentecost. This is a change that the Lord prepared the people for during His ministry. We have a position in Christ with the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit and we are in a highly superior position compared with the Old Testament saints. Most Christians do not understand what they have
Three stages in the expanded ministry of the Holy Spirit are given in the Gospels
Stage 1 - Luke 11:9 13 where the Lord tells the disciples to ask for the Holy Spirit which was something that had not occurred in the Old Testament. This was just after the commissioning of the twelve in verse 8. As the people went out round the nation to preach, to heal, to raise the dead and cast out demons a dramatic and taxing spiritual service they came back knowing that they needed power to do the job. This gave Jesus the opportunity to teach the principle of empowerment by the Spirit.
They realise that there are major enemies to be fought and inner resources greater than man can supply is needed. He therefore says ask for the Holy Spirit. It is of interest that none of the gospels divulge whether any of the disciples took up the offer. It was so novel that they were all a bit hesitant about doing it.
Stage 2 - John 14:16 17 where He explained that the Holy Spirit would be in them rather than with them. This is about a year later than the passage in Luke. They realise that the Spirit is with them and that they need more and the Lord says that there will be more. He explains that on the day of Pentecost the Father will send the Holy Spirit and that they will not be left comfortless.
What is seen here is that the resources to face the enemy after the Cross will need to be bettered and the Lord is going to upgrade it by sending the Spirit. Rather than being with them on a temporary basis it is going to be a permanent indwelling of the Spirit.
Stage 3 - John 20:21 22 where the Lord gave them the Holy Spirit to assist them until Pentecost. It is clear that the Lord is tasking the disciples with replacing Him, as his witness in the world; a task we now have. This is shown clearly in Matthew 28:20 which is the great commission. As it is given both here and in Matthew 28 it is of great importance.
The Lord says that he is sending them out but not in their own strength but in the power of the Holy Spirit. This temporary gifting of the Spirit is going to last them for the ten days until the full giving of the Holy Spirit at the feast of Pentecost.
First He says ask, next that he will pray, and thirdly He breathes on them to give them a temporary empowerment.
Luke 24:49 this is a few days after John 20. It is clear that what was happening in John 20 was temporary until the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:4 8 Luke is the author of Acts and thus the book of Acts follows. As the Cross is the centre point of human history so Pentecost is the start of this new period of human history. The expanded ministries of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost are very important, intricately related to the angelic conflict.
The activity of Satan and his angels since the Cross has been greatly intensified over what it was before. The Cross is the defeat of Satan strategically (Genesis 3:15). A strategic defeat means that the enemy is beaten but he is not finished. Although Satan was defeated at the cross, he still causes havoc amongst the world of mankind. The Apostle Paul warned that Christians need to put on the complete suit of armor, so that they can stand firm against the Devils attacks (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Satan knew from the Cross that he was finished and it was from that time that he went into top gear with his evil attacks upon the Church Of God. Therefore if a Christian does not understand the absolute necessity of living and walking in the Spirit they are in trouble, as they will not have the resources to deal with Satan. The Apostle Peter made this clear when he spoke about Satan being like a roaring Lion seeking to devour Christians (1 Peter 5: 6-8)
Many believers fail because they do not walk in close fellowship with the Spirit. The normal Christian life should be one lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. People that fail do so for one reason or another; allow sin to encroach upon them, get lead away from the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As a believer we must learn to live and walk in the Spirit.
As Born Again ‘Spirit Filled’ Christians we need to understand the power that we have within us. Jesus sent his followers out to teach people all the things he had commanded. He also provided them with the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to be able to achieve this work. (Matthew 28:19, 20) (Acts 1: 8; Acts 2).
Therefore a Christian can be certain that he/she can call upon the Holy Spirit at any time to give them ‘super natural power beyond what is normal’
The Lord said that the believers would produce greater works than He did (John14:14-16). What do these unusual verses mean? This is based on the fact that whilst the Lord had a ministry of just over three years to perform supernatural signs and wonders. He told us that his followers would be able to do ‘greater works’ in his name than even he did.
Any work done in the power of the Holy Spirit is doing the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus told his followers to ask for ‘anything’ in his name and he would do it. That is a great honour and privilege to be able to do the same type of works that even our Lord Jesus did. But these works in themselves are secondary to the greatest work of all and that is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Therefore the greatest mission as a minister is to get your people out of the pews and into the communities declaring the Gospel by means of the Holy Spirit within them. But sadly Many; ‘churchgoers’ will find this work uncomfortable and will not want to be obedient to God's Word.
The sustaining work of the Holy Spirit was deliberately misconstrued by the Pharisees who said that Jesus was demon possessed and using the powers of Satan. This according to the Lord was the unpardonable sin.
Many denominations will accuse others of blaspheming the Holy Ghost when they criticize their own view of the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ in our day. Jesus said; preach the Gospel and obey my commandments and I will send a helper to you. As we know from Acts 2, the Holy Spirit fell in an amazing way and he is still with his people today. So accusing others of blasphemy over differences of interpretation of the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ is really a misuse of Scripture. You often find that those who cry loudest about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit are quenching the Spirit in some way themselves. Differences over this issue do not constitute the committing of the unpardonable sin.
The unpardonable sin in Jesus day was to accuse him of being satanic and reject him as saviour. He is not present today to do such a thing personally, but the unpardonable sin remains as total rejection of him as saviour. No believer can commit that sin as long as they remain in Christ and continually accept him as saviour. The most serious sin in the believer’s life today is the quenching, grieving and resisting of the Holy Spirit. A believer cannot commit the unforgivable sin unless he totally rejects the blood of Jesus and repudiates the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 6:4-6) So we need to be resisting sin in any form and cling to the Word of God.
In Acts 1:8 14 they were to be baptised in the Spirit not many days hence. They were promised power after the Holy Spirit came upon them. They were waiting for the Spirit to come upon them from John 14 via Luke 24:49 to empower them for the rest of the ministry on the earth.
In Acts chapter 2 we have a record of the event. The Spirit came upon them and they were totally baptized by the Holy Spirit for the first time as a group of Christian believers. Acts 2:1-4.
These people as a result went out and preached the gospel in many languages which were understood. Many people were converted as a result of hearing the gospel on that day. In verse 4 they are filled with the Holy Spirit and from verse 5 onwards it shows what happened.
The disciples who were gathered in the upper room on that occasion were already Born Again and in Christ, but at this event, something totally different happened. It is obvious to us that they got baptised by the Holy Spirit and at once were made alive in him. The outward signs were staggering as they reacted as if they were drunk and spoke in various tongues. Therefore baptism in the Holy Spirit has a profound affect on a believer and makes them do something that is unusual and often dramatic. This is the favour of God on a Christian’s life and is an outward demonstration that they are truly Spirit filled Christians.
However a Christian must always remember that they are still imperfect humans who will continually make mistakes. So you still need to be alert to the enemies tactics, when he tries to tempt you to sin and ‘quench or grieve’ the Holy Spirit. Even though you are ‘indwelt’ by the Holy Spirit the ‘carnal/fleshly’ can still control your life if you allow it too. You may even be ‘working’ for the Lord; but success is dependant on you being in fellowship with the Holy Spirit at all times.
If you are going to live for Christ you have to do it in the power of the Holy Spirit, if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit you will fail. So keep asking for the Holy Spirit to fill you up and try to get a trusted prayer partner who is also baptized by the Holy Spirit to pray with you and ‘keep on asking’ and ‘keep on knocking’ for the Holy Spirit to fill you up.
1. The ministry of the Spirit in sustaining Jesus Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament. (Isaiah 11:1-3, 42:1, 61:1-3)
2. The virgin birth was only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1: 18, 20, Psalm 40:6, Hebrews 10:5.
3. The Holy Spirit was given without measure (constant unhindered filling) to the humanity of Christ. (John 3:34)
4. The Holy Spirit was related to the baptism of Jesus. (Matthew 3:16)
5. The Holy Spirit sustained Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry. (Matthew 12:18, 28, Luke 4:14, 15, 18)
6. The Lord acknowledged the work of the Spirit in his works and miracles. (Matthew 12: 8. Quoting Isaiah 44:1, 18, 28, Luke 4:14-21).
7. The sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the Lord when he bore our sins on the cross. Matthew 27:46, Psalms 22.
8. The Holy Spirit had a part in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:11, 1 Peter 3:18)
9. The present ministry of the Holy Spirit relates to the risen Jesus Christ. (John 7:39, 16:14)
10. The same sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit is passed on to us at salvation, and we are commanded to make use of this ministry
11. To grow thereby. (Galatians 4:19, 5: 16, Ephesians 3:16, 17, 5:18, Romans 13:14)
1. RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Unbelievers only) (Acts 7:51, John 16:8-11). This is hardening to the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit.
2. BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT (Unbelievers only) (Matthew 12:31) the purpose of the Holy Spirit was to reveal the person of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees rejected this by claiming He was demon possessed.
3. LYING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (Acts 5:1-3) A sin of false motivation. - Ananias and Sapphira.
4. GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (Ephesians 4:30). Any fleshly sin which the believer commits
5. QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Believers only) (1 Thessalonians 5:19) A believer who is not allowing the Holy Spirit to exert His full influence.
6. UNPARDONABLE SIN (Matthew 12:22-32)
a) Rejection of Jesus Christ as God and Saviour is the only sin which cannot be forgiven. This unbelief is shown in Matthew 12:24, denying the person and power of Jesus.
b) It is impossible for a believer to commit the unpardonable sin providing he remains in Christ. (Romans 8:1, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 44:22, 1 John 1:7) However if a believer rejects Jesus Christ and does not repent, then he can no longer depend on Gods mercy (Hebrews 6:4-6)
Bless you
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