These lessons can be used by Christian Fellowships, Home Study Groups or anyone who wants to learn about our wonderful Creator and his Word the Bible. We are not affiliated with any Government Institution or Denomination. We do not issue Diploma's or Degree's as the early Apostles were 'unlettered men' and did not have Diploma's or Degree's. Enjoy your studies and God Bless

Tuesday 23 November 2010




Biblical – Inspiration
2 Timothy 3:16
2 Peter 1:21
1 Corinthians 2:13
Matthew 5:18
1 Timothy 5:18
2 Peter 3:15-16 Knowledge Of God’s Word


The concept of Inspiration is not something that theologians have forced on the Bible; it is the teaching of the Bible itself. The Bible testifies to its inspiration and while this may not be conclusive it should be listened to.

The Problem of Inspiration - About 100 years ago it was sufficient for a person to say that the Bible was the inspired Word of God to man.

However with the attack of the liberals and the Higher Criticism group it has become very important for each of us to be very specific with their definition of inspiration.

Many liberals will say that they believe the Word of God is inspired but then define it in such a manner as to indicate that they do not believe in many of the things that a Bible believing Christian understands as the truth of Gods word.

It is therefore of critical importance that you study at a place where the people believe that the Bible is the Word of God and have a conservative view of things. This is where the liberals make their first attack so that we need to have our defenses up.


The New Testament uses the word Scripture 51 times and always refers to part of the Bible

[a] Entire O T - Luke 24:45, John 10:35

[b] OT passage Luke 4:21

[c] NT passage 1 Timothy 5:18

[d] NT larger portion 2 Peter 3:16

1 Timothy 5:18 combines both OT and NT regarding them both as Scripture. OT quotation Deuteronomy 25:4, NT quotation Luke 10:7 with the sentiment found in Leviticus 19:13 and Deuteronomy 24:15


In 2 Timothy 3:16 the Word of God is said to be God breathed [theopneustos]. Theo – God, Pneustos - Breathed
Note that all Scripture, not part of Scripture is God breathed.

The form here is in the passive which means that the Bible was received from God. The English word inspire carries the concept of breathing into something however God breathed out Scripture and human authors wrote the text.

The Bible is not a museum piece but is to be used for application to the life as shown in this verse.

From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness.

Doctrine didaskalia that which is taught – Bible Topic Books

Reproof elegmos conviction, rebuke

Correction epanorthosis a restoration to an upright state (– epi – to, ana – up, orthosis –) upright which refers to an improvement of character.

Instruction is like ‘paideia’ training; instructing in righteousness. School slave

Does this do this to you?


2 Peter 1:21 uses the word "phero" where it states that the writers of Scripture were “moved” or carried along by the wind. This was used for a ship in Acts 27:17. [Acts 27:14-20]
As they were moved along the prophets were guided in what they wrote by the Holy Spirit as the winds in their sails. Men spoke but they wrote what God wanted them to do. It was therefore God's words through men. This shows that God used men and gave us a completely truthful Bible.

The sailors in the boat in Acts let the boat go along but were still active. In a similar way the Holy Spirit as author of the Scripture uses the active participation of the human authors to write the Scripture.

The boat and passenger analogy can also be used to show that while the passengers on the boat have some freedom it is the boat which is going to bring them to their destination.

This passage shows that no prophecy ever came from man which therefore asserts that the source was God.

In summary this verse states that God used men and gave us a completely truthful Bible.

Inspiration Came in Words

Paul showed in 1 Corinthians 2:13 that God's revelation came to man in words. This counters the claim that inspiration only relates to the thoughts of God and shows it is the literal words in the original that are inspired.

It could be construed that the writers of Scripture had thoughts from God which was interpreted erroneously by man but Paul says that it is the words themselves that were given.

This therefore teaches that the actual words of the Bible are inspired.


[a] Material that came directly from God – Deuteronomy 9:10 Jonah 1:1

[b] Researched material – Luke 1:1-4. Here Luke consulted eyewitnesses, he used available written accounts, he carefully sifted through all the sources, he planned the orderly arrangement of the material and then the Holy Spirit bore him along so that the writing was accurate and truthful.

[c] Prophetic Material – which comprises 25% of the Bible, had to be 100% true and no human writer could devise that.

[d] Historical material – many wrote what they lived through. Luke in Acts 16:10-13, Joshua with the conquest of Canaan. Some things like creation had to be revealed by God to Moses as He was the only eyewitness.

[e] Other passages involve the true quoting of the lies of Satan or the thoughts of unsaved of carnal people. Titus 1:12, or vividly personal and emotional Romans 9:1-3, as well as Job.

Summary – this shows that God sometimes revealed things supernaturally and directly, sometimes he allowed the human writer to compose the message using their freedom of expression but He breathed out the total product carrying along the authors in various ways to give us His message in the words of the Bible.


Definition – God superintended the human authors of the Bible so that they composed and recorded without error His message to mankind in the words of the original writings.

[a] Superintend allows for a variety of relationships between God and the writers, sometimes direct, sometimes less so.

[b] Composed show that the writers were not passive secretaries to who God dictated the material but active writers.

[c] Without error reflects the Bible’s own claim to be the truth – John 17:17

[d] Inspiration is only in the original writings not to copies and translation however accurate they may be.

God breathed it, man wrote it and we possess it

Different forms of viewpoints about Inspiration

Many liberals are not believers at all. They take the truth and twist it subtly so that the believer thinks they are talking to a Christian.

Most of the people coming out of the Bible colleges do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God as we do.

[a] Natural Inspiration Some say that the Bible was written by geniuses, yet in Scripture, yet we see ordinary men made great by the work of God on and through them.

[b] Dynamic or Mystical Inspiration – Other’s claim that in addition to them being geniuses they were supernaturally inspired in an almost mystical way.

This allows the same sort or level of inspiration to other great works of literature. The question then needs to be asked; that if this is true why can’t we find people to write similar books today?

[c] Degree or Partial Inspiration are those who hold to degree inspiration state that certain parts of the Bible are more inspired than other parts.

[d] Concept Inspiration this is the belief that the concepts in the Bible are inspired but the words are not.

This is a false concept as it is necessary for the concepts to be inspired that the words need to be as well

[e] Barthian Inspiration has come from the German theologian Karl Barth [1886 1968]. His concept has taken over most of the Neo-orthodox colleges. He states that the Bible becomes the Word of God when the Word of God [Christ] talks to us through its pages. Basically he says the Bible is inspired when you feel it is inspired. When Christ is seen in the Bible that is inspired, when He is not, the passage is not.


In Matthew 5:18 the Lord said that not the smallest amendment, letter or part of a letter will pass from the law until all is fulfilled. Christ was talking about fulfilling the Torah and referring to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. What Jesus is saying is that in the original language not the smallest detail is other than inspired.

This is a clear indication of its verbal, absolute, unlimited inspiration.

The Lord Jesus Christ is saying that as Moses wrote those books every letter to the smallest detail was inspired. In addition everything that is in it shall be fulfilled. This only applies to the original languages and cannot be applied to a translation.

1 Timothy 5:18 shows that right at the beginning of the New Testament the attitude to Luke as an author was that Luke's work was Scripture as he is quoting from Deuteronomy 25:4 and Luke 10:7.

In 2 Peter 3:15 16 all the epistles according to Paul are in accordance with other Scriptures. The New Testament therefore claims to have the same inspiration as the Old Testament.

The entire Bible is true even to the extent that lies are accurately recorded. Genesis 3:4

The Bible can also record the thoughts and reasoning of men out of fellowship such as Solomon in Ecclesiastes and Job's friends in much of Job. Job 42:7.

Solomon also in Song of Solomon also gives a lot of good advice about the danger of infidelity. It is a great picture of the joy that Solomon lost. God is recording what you will be like if you reject God's doctrine.

At the time of writing Solomon is in fellowship but he is looking back at his experiences whilst out of fellowship. Ecclesiastes is a book that records the futility of human wisdom without God, and so records many depressing truths, and falsehoods, but its subject gives the clue to interpretation. The text taken only in its own and the biblical context always keep’s you safe.

It is also of great importance to look at the Bible in its historical context. For instance, when Isaiah is writing to the people in his vicinity he does not need to explain the historical context for they are there, but we have to study it, to find out who these people are.

Every verse is important and therefore the Bible should be taught verse by verse. All verses are put in the Scripture because God wanted it put there.

As you mature you will see different things in the Scriptures and whist you may be teaching the same passage of Scripture you will be getting something new and different out of the passage as you mature.



1. There is a big difference between knowing about something and truly knowing some-thing so that your life is changed by it. The Greek uses two words; gnosis which was simply knowing about, and epignosis which is actually knowing the facts to the point where your life is transformed by them.

2. Our understanding of the Bible doesn't depend upon our own intellect - it depends on the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit John 14:16-20, 15:26, 16:7-15 and on our willingness to let the Holy Spirit use His word to change us 1 Corinthians 1:19-2:16.

3. Paul's prayers for the churches were that the believers would grow in full knowledge and the application of the word that would bring the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the life. Colossians 1:9-11, Philippians 1:9-11.

4. God has provided everything for the believer so that we might grow in the fullness of the stature of Christ. As we use it we grow and enjoy the life that God intended for us. James 4:6, Ephesians 4:12, 16, 5:16, 18, 6:10, Colossians 4:5,

5. Synonyms for spiritual growth are; putting on the whole armour of God Ephesians 6:11-13, following the pastor Hebrews 12:1, 2, Philippians 3:13-17, godliness 1 Timothy 6:3-6, 2 Peter 1:3


1. The principle of inspiration is found in (2 Timothy 3:16) "All Scripture is God breathed". GREEK IS THEO PNEUSTOS.

The Holy Spirit communicated to the human authors God's complete plan (2 Samuel 23:2, 3, Isaiah 59:21, Jeremiah 1:9, Matthew 22:42, 43, Mark 12:36, Acts 4:24, 25, 28:25)

The human authors of Scripture so wrote that in spite of their personalities, they were able to communicate God's plan with perfect accuracy in the language they wrote.

2. The origin of Scripture is beyond human viewpoint. (2 Peter 1:20, 21)

3. The Bible is the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16) Therefore it is the absolute standard for believers. (Psalm 138:2)

4. Pre-canon revelation from God occurred through the Holy Spirit. There was no written scripture until the time of Moses. (2 Samuel 23:2, Ezekiel 2:2, 8:3, 11:1, 24, Micah 3:8, Hebrews 3:7)

5. Four categories of Old Testament revelation:
a) The spoken word - thus saith the Lord. (Isaiah 6:9, 10, Acts 28:25)
b) Dreams. (Numbers 12:6, Genesis 15:12, 31:10-13, 31:24, Daniel 10:9) - Whilst asleep.
c) Visions. (Isaiah 1:1, 6:1, 1 Kings 22:19) - Whilst awake.
d) Angelic teaching. (Deuteronomy 33:2, Acts 7:53, Galatians 3:19, Psalm 68:17)
6. The extent of revelation:
a) The unknown past - the Bible portrays past historical details unknown to man apart from revelation. (Genesis 1-11). The accuracy of these historical facts is guaranteed by inspiration. e.g. Creation, Noah's Flood.
b) Ancient history - whilst the Bible is not a text book of history, all historical citations are accurate.
c) Objective law - the Old Testament contains many laws for both individuals and national life. These laws express perfectly the mind of God to those people to whom they are addressed.
d) Some portions of the Bible contain direct quotations from God. The doctrine of inspiration guarantees that such quotations are properly recorded exactly as God desired.
e) God uses the emotions, trials and triumphs of certain believers to declare His grace in devotional literature like the Psalms, Song of Solomon
f) Inspiration extends to the recording of falsehoods just as they were uttered. Satan Genesis 3:4
g) Inspiration guarantees the accuracy of all recorded prophecies.

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